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José Horta, Eitan Altman, Mathieu Caujolle, Daniel Kofman, David Menga

Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), October 2018.
DOI: 10.1109/SmartGridComm.2018.8587495

Abstract: Future electricity distribution grids will host a considerable share of the renewable energy sources needed for enforcing the energy transition. Demand side management mechanisms play a key role in the integration of such renewable energy resources by exploiting the flexibility of elastic loads, generation or electricity storage technologies. In particular, local energy markets enable households to exchange energy with each other while increasing the amount of renewable energy that is consumed locally. Nevertheless, as most ex-ante mechanisms, local market schedules rely on hour-ahead forecasts whose accuracy may be low. In this paper we cope with forecast errors by proposing a game theory approach to model the interactions among prosumers and distribution system operators for the control of electricity flows in real-time. The presented game has an aggregative equilibrium which can be attained in a semi-distributed manner, driving prosumers towards a final exchange of energy with the grid that benefits both households and operators, favoring the enforcement of prosumers’ local market commitments while respecting the constraints defined by the operator. The proposed mechanism requires only one-to-all broadcast of price signals, which do not depend either on the amount of players or their local objective function and constraints, making the approach highly scalable. Its impact on distribution grid quality of supply was evaluated through load flow analysis and realistic load profiles, demonstrating the capacity of the mechanism ensure that voltage deviation and thermal limit constraints are respected.

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09:00 Accueil des participants
09:30 Mot d’ouverture
Jean-Paul Chabard, Directeur scientifique, EDF R&D
09:45 Keynote « Faites entrer les objets connectés ! »
Damien Cauquil, Digital Security
10:30 Stockage et manipulation de données confidentielles dans un système embarqué
Guillaume Duc, Télécom ParisTech
10:55 — Pause café —
11:10 Protection des données à caractère personnel dans les services énergétiques
Franklin Leukam, EDF R&D – Télécom SudParis
11:40 Nouvelles architectures pour garantir la sécurité de bout-en-bout des services se basant sur l’IoT
Malcom Bourdon, EDF R&D – CNRS LAAS
12:10 — Pause-déjeuner —
13:45 Keynote « Enjeux économiques des données personnelles et des objets connectés »
Patrick Waelbroeck, Télécom ParisTech
14:30 Création assistée de règles de fonctionnement des équipements dans les logements connectés
Mingming Qiu, EDF R&D – Télécom ParisTech
14:55 — Pause café —
15:10 Embarquer l’IA dans les objets connectés pour expliquer à l’occupant le pilotage de son logement
Etienne Houzé, Télécom ParisTech
15:35 Tests d’OS open source pour transférer les données d’objets connectés vers Amazon Cloud AWS
David Menga, EDF R&D
16:00 Programme de recherche du laboratoire pour l’année 2019
Comité opérationnel de SEIDO LAB, EDF R&D et Télécom ParisTech
16:20 Mot de clôture
Gérard Memmi, Responsable du département Informatique et Réseaux, Télécom ParisTech
16:30 — Cocktail —

Le workshop a lieu le mardi 29 janvier 2019 à
EDF Lab Paris-Saclay
7 Boulevard Gaspard Monge
91120 Palaiseau, France

Ziad Ismaïl, Jean Leneutre, Alia Fourati

Proc. of the 14th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), September 2018.
DOI: 10.1109/EDCC.2018.00030

Abstract: The management of security resources in a system always comes with a tradeoff. Given technical and budget constraints, the defender focuses on deploying the set of security countermeasures that offer the best level of system protection. However, optimizing the configuration and deployment of defense countermeasures for efficient attack detection and mitigation remains a challenging task. In this paper, we leverage the information present in an attack graph, representing the evolution of the state of the attacker in the system, to tackle the problem of finding the optimal security policy that offers the maximum level of system protection. Our solution can be used to assist asset owners to prioritize the deployment of security countermeasures and respond to intrusions efficiently. We validate our approach on an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) case study.

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Mardi 29 janvier 2019

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à la 6e édition du Workshop du Laboratoire SEIDO qui aura lieu à

EDF Lab Paris-Saclay
7 Boulevard Gaspard Monge 91120 Palaiseau

Le programme détaillé vous sera annoncé prochainement.
Le Workshop est ouvert à tous sur inscription et dans la limite des places disponibles. Une invitation vous sera adressée à l’ouverture des inscriptions.